Joining The Saints

This week has been sooooo exciting. I got to go to Langtree Park and meet all of the lovely people in the Saints Rugby team. That’s because my Mummy and Daddy own a busyness called Pet Identity Insurance and Pet Identity Insurance sponsors the team’s Mascot, Boots. Boots is a doggy like me, and is very friendly and funny.

I had lots of fun at Langtree Park. There was a man with a clicky thing called a camera. He kept pointing the clicky thing at me and the players and asking us to say ‘cheese’. I don’t like cheese, so I said ‘woof’ instead.

got lots of cuddles and snuggles off the players. I love the Saints. I hope they win lots this season.

Boots asked me if I would be his special friend and go with him on lots of adventures this year. I am sooo excited. I think I am the luckiest puppy in the world.